Elizabeth O’Shea

Giving children positive attention and praise

Instead of criticising, find out how to give positive, descriptive praise, that helps your child feel appreciated and motivates them to want to behave well.

How can we play with our children?

Do you find it difficult to play with your child. Find out how to play, how to deal with competitive games and how to tap into your inner child and have fun.

Tips to help Teens get a good nights’ sleep

Does your teenager struggle to fall asleep? Here is a list of habits, tricks, tips and strategies to help your teenager drop off to sleep.

How can I stop my two year old waking in the night?

Struggling with your toddler’s sleep? Learn the top psychological tips to get them to sleep in their own bed, and a great strategy to stop them waking up at night.

Great bedtime routines for toddlers

Struggling with your toddler’s sleep? Learn the top psychological tips to get them to sleep in their own bed, and a great strategy to stop them waking up at night.